1. Was introduced
2. Was telling
3.haven't taken
4.have taught
5.does mean
1. I want him to bring coffee.
2. Mary is in the library. She has already been preparing her report for three hours.
3. Do you expect he to come?
4. Yesterday by five o'clock lunch has been ready.
5. Has your sister ever been to Moscow?
6. Tomorrow by your coming home I will have been cleaning our flat for two hours.
7. I hear her singing.
8. By Monday I'll have read the book.
9. When he came, the children had been sleeping for two hours.
What? What were you doing?
When? When were you doing this?
Where? Where are you doing this?
How? How are you doing this?
Why? Why are you doing this?
Whom? Whom are you doing this with?
Who? Who is doing this?
How long have you been doing this?
В этих вопросах вспомогательное слово (в зависимости от времени do, are/is, were/was, have/has, did, have been/has been, will (shall как вышtlitt из употребления) ) ставятся после вопросительного слова, за ними следуют глаголы в соответсвующем времени)
Вот твое задание
1 b
2 a
3 c