the advantages of riding a bike are the following. you can use a bike whenever you want. you don't have to pass the exam and get driving licence when you ride a bike. a bike is an environmentally friendly means of transport.
also there is a disadvantage. it takes you much time to get somewhere by bike.
1- 1fly-b 2swim-e 3tortoise-f 4parrot-h 5talk-g 6walk-j 7sea horse-i 8rabbit-k 9jump-I 10bird-c 11spider-a 12crawl-d
2-parrot, rabbit, spider, tortoise?, fly, swim, walk, talk, crawl, sea horse, bird, jump
1 The cheapest way to travel between cities is by coach . You can buy your ticket at the bus station.
2 We took our car on the ferry when we crossed the sea from England to France.
3 You can drive at 110 km per hour on the motorway, but not on other roads.
4 My aunt is going on a cruise around the
Mediterranean. The ship holds 5,000 people!
My dad's name is Stas. My mom's name is Kate. My little brother's name is Zachar.
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