You should cross road on green.
when you cross road, you shold watch on right and left/
you should observe the signs
you should skip a car
you should park in certain place
you can not sreak on phone
you can not distracted
you can not exceed the speed
you can not go to the opposite lane
Walked, herd, joined, made, watched, danced, felt, studied, designed, warmed, waited
Ми вивчаємо різні предмети в моїй школі: математику і англійську, музику і малювання, науку і технології.
Я люблю літературу, але не дуже люблю науку. Ми вивчаємо географію і історію також. Ми вивчаємо іспанську тому що там багато латинців - людей з Латиноамерики, таких як мій друг Мігель.
Ми не маємо уніформи і багато дітей носять футболки, джинси і кросівки. В американських школах ти мусиш мати гарні оцінки, інакше ти можеш "повернутись назад". Це означає, що ти навчаєшся ще рік. Це доволі незвично.
Інша справа- кожного ранку ми даємо клятву вірності. Іноді ми все кажемо разом, але зазвичай ми стоїмо і слухаємо одну дитину, що каже це. Якщо під час клятви ти говориш, наш вчитель містер Шумахер стає справді божевільним. Я не знаю чому, але він справді любить клятву. Багато шкіл не говорять клятву більше.
P.S. Завтра ми йдемо до повітряного і космічного музею. Це чудовий музей і я з нетерпінням чекаю на це.
Бувай, Стів
The Atkins дополнения в Честере, это древний город, и он известен своим зоопарком. В Atkinsons часто хожу в зоопарке Честера и получили много фотографий.
I took this
photo during the period of my summer holidays, or rather during my trip by car
to the mountains, to the camp which is located on a mountain plain. I took a
picture of my father's friend in his own car, who has agreed to take me and
Pasha to the camp . Pasha- is my friend who invited himself to accompany me to
this camp, as it is too boring for him to sit with his sister at home during
the holidays.
On the day
of our trip my parents had a lot of urban things to do, that's because they
were not able to take us to the camp.. Name of my father's friend was Sergey. .
He drove us along the mountain road, which as usual was not smooth and
straight. Vehicle we were traveling was old , and moreover with manual gearbox
. But the condition of the car was not important for me and Pasha, because
Sergey greatly helped us, and so we had to go by bus, and then go on foot to
the camp. On the day of this trip, the sun was shining too bright, that's
because Sergey wore sunglasses. When he was driving we talked with him on
different themes.
I decided
to make this picture because I wanted to keep the memories of such a kind and
interesting man, as Sergei. Eventually I put this photo to the album of my
whole trip to the camp ".
<span>I am showing this picture to you, in order to
describe the goodness of this man and also to encourage younger generation to
do more good-natured and altruistic deeds which will cause our parent’s pride
in non wasted time which has been given to adults to instill in us kindness and