Идет снег. Вау! Мы можем сделать снеговика . Я не могу водить свою машину! Папа! Помогите мне найти мои санки, пожалуйста<span> .</span>
He is a dragon.
He is a blue monster .
He is not big.
He is not evil.
He is a kind monster.
He likes cookies .
<span>What economy is
primarily based on private enterprise? - <u>British</u>
What is primarily based on private enterprise? - <u>economy</u>
Is the British economy primarily based on private enterprise? <u>- is based</u>
What enterprise is the British economy primarily based on ? - <u>private</u>
What is the British economy primarily based on? - <u>enterprise</u></span>
С модальным глаголом
I can swim
I can climb on the tree
i can cook
I can drive a car
I can see you
с действиями
you have to go to school
i need to swim
i am eating
i am playing the guitar
i am playing computer games
Потому что я вчера нарисовал лошадь