Mr Nyman asked his wife how much she spend on food every week.
1) Где находится Третьяковская галерея?
2) Сколько работ в Третьяковской галерее?
3) Кто написал картину "Бурлаки на Волге"?
4) Когда открыта Третьяковская галерея?
<u></u><u>1) Where is the Tretyakov gallery?
2) How many works are in the Tretyakov gallery?
3) Who wrote the painting "Barge Haulers on the Volga"?
4) When was the Tretyakov gallery open?</u>
The year is divided into four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. Each season has its good and bad sides.
The weather in spring is generally mild but sometimes the days are really cold, especially in the beginning of the season. It is the time when everything awakes from its winter sleep.
Summer is the hottest season. It's time for holidays. People go to the seaside to sunbathe, to swim or to have a rest. In our country it usually gets hot in the end of June and July. Summer nights are short, but wonderful, the days are long.
Talking about autumn, I guess it isn't as niece as summertime. It's a season of winds and beautiful sunsets. The weather gets cooler and cooler. The leaves turn yellow and reddish and fall down to the ground and the birds migrate to warm countries.
A spell of sunny weather in September is called Indian summer or « Golden Autumn», In the end of November it sometimes snows. Though some people like autumn, because it is full of colours, but to my thinking it's a dull and rainy season.
<span>Winter is the coldest time of the year. It is time of snow and frost. It is time of New Year and Christmas. In winter the temperature rarely can cross the point of ten or fifteen centigrade below freezing point in our country.</span>
Как ты? У меня были прекрасные выходные. Я ходила в кино в субботу вечером с моими друзьями. Мы смотрели Гарри Поттер и принц-полукровка,фэнтези с Даниелом Рэдклиффом,Рупертом Гринтом и Эммой Уотсон.
Шестой фильм серии Гарри Поттер о том,как Гарри готовится столкнуться лицом к лицу с Волан-де-Мортом. Дамблдор берет Гарри с собой в секретное путешествие,в котором Гарри вступает в борьбу с добром и злом.
Фильм был захватывающий,актерская игра на высоте. Я думаю,он обяззателен к просмотру.
Как насчет тебя? Ходила ли ты в морской парк в прошлые выходные?
С любовью