Know-knew ( знать - знал )
think-thought ( думать-думал)
learn-learnt ( учить-учил)
ride-rode ( ездить верхом -ездил верхом)
say-said ( говорить-говорил)
have-had ( иметь - имел)
сome-came ( прийти-пришёл)
write-wrote ( писать - писал)
I'll go to the store if my mom gives me money. 2. I'm not going to school if it's cold. 3. If I do my homework , I'll go for a walk. 4. I'll get a good score if I'm ready. 5. I'll go for a walk if it's warm
I think we should be proud of they because this persons have succesed inspite of their disabilities. Not everyone can become a famous artist, political or pilot, but become this with blindness, for example, is ever more hard