1загрязнение, 2противомикробное средство, 3патогены, 4тампон,5дезинфицирующее средство, 6восприимчивое, 7устойчивое, 8безупречное.
1. ____________2_____ Убейте микроорганизмы.
2. Используйте стерильный ________________, чтобы получить образец из задней части горла.
3. У наших органов есть способы убить ________________, такие как вирусы и бактерии.
4. Старые, молодые и очень больные - это большинство больничных инфекций.
5. Стафилококк является большинством антибиотиков.
6. Существует риск заражения со стороны мочи и крови.
7. Промойте полы и дверные ручки с помощью ________________.
8. Дом не должен быть _______1___, но он должен быть чистым.
Представь твою Сьюз. Напиши про ситуацию с её отцом с её точки зрения
Destiny of a child completely depends on <span>family upbringing. Who a child will become in future depends on how much time and power they are ready spending to take care of him.
Our future really depends on what's an example and education we give our children and our grandchildren. If we give them unconditional love, give advices about living in adults life in the right way, teach them to love and respect environment, nature, animals and to be responsible for younger and weeker creature than they are, they will become a humans of new epoch. The Epoch without violence, war and indiffirence. So each of them will be kind, supporting and happy.</span>
1 c
2 b
1 e
2 f
3 a
4 c
5 b
6 d
7 g
1 The saiga antelope has long, thin legs and a big, long nose which hangs over its mouth. It's the same size as a sheep. It has light brown fur in summer, then thick and white in winter.
2 They live in groups (herds) of 30 to 40 animals.
3 In 1990s there were up over a million saiga antelopes, but today they are thought to be around 50 000.
4 The saiga has been hunted for its meat and horns. It has also lost its habitat.
5 Many organisations are working hard to protect the saiga, and to stop the sale of its horns for Chinese medicine.
1 e
2 d
3 c
4 a
5 b
black- white