Первые три предложения не видно.
4. I think she often worries.
5. Barbara's boss sees she is always late for work.
6. I'm calling my son in Cedar Falls now. I want to call him every month but it is very expensive.
7. - Do you hear me now? How is your job going? - Great! I'm enjoying it in a lot. The only problem I have here is that the food is ... good. I eat too much! I'm getting really fat.
8. Ruth is learning English now because she like to learn languages and wants to impress everybody.
9. Listen to that man! Do you understand what language he is speaking?
10. - Is your English getting better? - Yes, I think so.
11. We know he is never taking risks.
12. They think he is learning fast, he knows English well and he speaks English fluently.
13. Don't disturb him. He is just working at his English.
14. I don't like to watch TV very often. But at the moment I'm enjoying my favourite film "Gone With The Wind". And I'm very happy.
15. Do you have any ideas where Rick is? I'm not seeing him at work now. - He is visiting his friends in Spain.
16. Hurry up! We don't have much time left. - I'm coming!
17. She's trying to lose weight, I think. She's always having light lunches.
18. She tries to do her best.
19. My little brother doesn't play the piano very well.
20. My grandmother is busy. She is baking an apricote pie. She bakes pies every Sunday.
21. Tom is very tired. he is embarrassed because he's yawning his head off.
22. I'm sad. That is why I'm crying.
Эти срочные меры могут остановить кризис.
Can stop- показатель множ-го числа существительного.
Многие Лондонские интересные места располагаются на севере реки Темза .
Are situated-показатель притяжательного падежа им сущ.
Гайд Парк занимает 360 акров .
Covers - показатель 3 лица же.ч......
Желаю успехов !
1 - crimes
2 - jogger
3 - dangerous
4 - mugger
5 - fewer
6 - injured
7 - enormous
8 - rink
9 - free
There is hot today and we are going to the park. There are lot of things to see and to do there. I know many cities, where a lot of green parks. I can say, that when you are spent free time with your best friends, than me, you have got a good mood. I think, it's worth it!
1. Detached
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