Если ты имел(а) ввиду перевод:
Зимой холодно и снежно, Летом солнечно и хорошо, Осенью пасмурно и дождливо, Весной я могу прыгать к небу.
Если ты имел(а) ввиду как читается:
Ин винтер ит из колд энд сноуи, ин саммер ит из санни энд файн, Ин отумн ит из клауди энд рэйни, ин спринг ай кэн джамп ап ту зэ скай
<span>eleven twelve to nine hours usually get up to do exercises to take a shower while I'm sorry of course to dress for dinner every day for Breakfast lunch the second time to wash the face in the morning in the afternoon go for a walk to do homework in the evening to play chess (who will translate put a thank you and s top answer</span>
1. The service is included in the bill
2. This road is not used very often by people.
3. All flights were cancelled because of fog.
4. The new road is being bult round the city by them.
5. The date of the meeting has been changed by them.
6. The lock can't be repaired by him.