1. Are you at home? Yes, I am.
2. Are you reading? No, I am not.
3. Is it hot today? Yes, it is.
4. Are your friends with you? Yes, they are.
5. Is your granny in the country? Yes, she is.
6. Are your parents at the seaside? No, they aren't.
7. Are your parents working now? Yes. they are.
1. my freind IS at home now
2. ARE the pencils in the box? Yes, they are.
3. This book IS very interesting.
4. His office IS in New York.
5. I AM a teach of English.
6. There ARE three desks in the office.
<span>7. We AREnat the English lesson now.
8. Where ARE the tickets? They ARE on the desk.
3. She IS an engineer.
4. There IS a chair in the corner.
5. I AM not a businessman.
6 ARE you busy?
7. ARE the windows open?</span>
<span><span>How are you today?Как дела?</span><span>Did you have any trouble finding us?Вы с трудом нас нашли?</span><span>What do you think about the weather today?Как вам погода сегодня?</span><span>Tell me about yourselfРасскажите о себе?</span><span>What type of position are you looking for?Какая должность вас интересует?</span><span>Are you interested in a full-time or part-time position?Вас интересуют работа на полный день или частичная занятость?</span><span>Can you tell me about your responsibilities at your last job?Расскажите о ваших обязанностях на прежней работе?</span><span>What is important to you in a company?Что является для вас важным в компании?</span><span>Could you describe one or two of your most important accomplishments?Не могли бы вы рассказать о ваших наиболее важных достижениях?</span><span>Why did you leave your previous job?По какой причине вы ушли с предыдущей работы?</span><span>Do you prefer to work alone or in groups?Вы предпочитаете работать самостоятельно или в команде?</span><span>How would you describe yourself as a person?Как бы вы сами себя описали?</span><span>What kind of things frustrate you most? How do you usually cope with them?Что может расстроить вас сильнее всего? Как вы с этим справляетесь?</span><span>What kind of problems did people recently call on you to solve?При решении каких проблем люди обращались к вам за помощью?</span><span>What do you like doing in your spare time?Как вы любите проводить свое свободное время?</span><span>How would you define doing a good job in your position?Как вы себе представляете хорошее выполнение работы на вашей должности?</span><span>What was the highest pressure situation you have been under in recent years? How did you cope with it?За последние годы в какой ситуации вы ощутили себя под наибольшим давлением? Как вы с ней справились?</span><span>What do you like doing best?Чем вы больше всего любите заниматься?</span>Вопросы, которые вы можете задавать:<span>What will be my responsibilities?Что будет входить в мои обязанности?</span><span>Who will I report to? Who will be my supervisor?Перед кем я буду отчитываться? Кто будет моим руководителем?</span><span>What do you expect me to do in my company role?Чем я должен буду заниматься во время работы?</span><span>When could I start?<span>Когда я могу начать?</span></span></span>
1. I write letters every day. D
2 I don't understand this rule, can you help me? b
3 Do you know that girl? a
4 He usually has a shower in the morning.
5 She doesn't want to go ...... D