1 yours 2 mine 3 ours 4 hers 5 his 6 its 7 theirs
1 where did Sue invite Tom? 2 what will he think about? 3 when will I go to the cinema? 4 whose cheese did mouse eat? 5 who did catch an early train?
Profession of a chelf is very interesting and exting. Chtlf must be very careful. He is to aply correctly the dish and decorate it. To be a curate and patience is very important for this work. the power can greatly help the chelf. профессия повара очень интересная. повар должен быть очень внимательным. уметь правильно подать блюдо и украсить его. аккуратность и терпение - это очень важное для его работы. Сила воли может во многом помочь повару.
I love my family. My mother heppy and smart. My father smart and fast.
Do you <span>enjoy</span> listening to classiсal music?
А где сами слова, которые надо написать?