1hora often you watch TV?
2 do you watch TV from 2 to 4 hours a day?
3 do you watch TV more than 4 hours a day?
Сначала найди "парные " звуки. к примеру - ТH означает звук " мягкое Тз" и т.д.
потом проверь как читаются гласные.
потом поставь ударение
потом найди непроизносимые согласные.
потом состав трансерипцию
1) I have not yet decided on my future profession, but I think it will be connected with something creative.
2. In life, I consider myself a good friend, because for me honor is above all, I will never give it - it is not in my principles. but at the same time I am sometimes too blunt and rude, which scares people away from me.
3. I do not depend on someone else's opinion, I express everything I think, but of course there are also disadvantages: I am lazy and sometimes very cowardly, but I hope that I can change these shortcomings
4. I really like to do something creative. But, I think that this will eventually change to other priorities.
5. I value persistence, kindness, honesty in people, and I think that these qualities are inherent in me. I would like to be more responsible
1. improvement - улучшениe, measurement - измерениe, disappointment - разочарование, pavement - тротуар, announcement - объявление, agreement - договор, statement - заявление, government -правительствo , requirement -требованиe , arrangement - договорённость, movement - движение , development - развитие, achievement - достижение
2. Collection - kоллекция , combination - сочетание, connection - соединениe , dictation - диктант, inclusion -<span> включение</span>, introduction -введение, production - производствo, restriction -ограничениe , submission - повиновение
3. Bitterness - Горечь, absoluteness - безусловность, dampness - сырость, coldness - холод, darkness - темнота, kindness - доброта, happiness - счастье, weakness - слабость.