No, we are not saying that you can achieve good results only in the gym and nowhere else. That's not true. Many athletes were engaged exclusively on the street, and some-in the most severe and intolerable conditions. It happens that difficulties encourage us to great things. The more difficult the situation, the more valuable the work on yourself. But let's face it - today training is perceived more as leisure than as work on yourself, and leisure is always better when there is a good result. The gym has only one drawback — you have to pay for it, but as far as the end result is concerned, it absolutely dominates training at home or on the street, and that's why.
1 Access to personal trainers
A dubious plus, but only if the personal trainer is a physical education teacher who was kicked out of school for drinking or molesting students. Good fitness centers hire professionals, masters of sports and even members of Olympic teams. The cooler the professional, the higher the prestige of the gym, the more you can take for a subscription. And the "parishioners" of the fitness center benefit from learning only from the best. Masters of sports certainly will direct you in the right direction.
2 the Gym is open in rain and snow
An obvious advantage that completely destroys the desire to train on the street. If the window is a shower or hail, then the gym will be cozy and dry — you can train as if nothing had happened, and it's fine. The elements have no power over your physical progress.
Мой выходной.
Я обычно встаю рано в 7.30. Бреюсь и принимаю душ. В 8 часов я завтракаю. На завтрак у меня обычно ветчина и яйца, поджаренный хлеб и чай или кофе. В 8.45 я ухожу из дома в библиотеку. У меня уходит 15 минут, чтобы добраться до неё. В 11.15 я возвращаюсь домой и делаю домашнюю работу. В 13.30 я обедаю. На обед у меня обычно ростбиф или стейк и кофе. Затем я иду гулять. В 17.30 я возвращаюсь домой, ужинаю и смотрю телевизор. В десять часов я ложусь спать.
Нас будет четверо, два ребенка.
Это слово - carrot (морков)