1Today is <span><span>tuesday</span></span>.
2 Today is 18-th of September.
3 Now is <span><span>autumn</span></span>,
4 Now is 10 p.m. o'clock
5 There are 20 pupils in the classroom
6 Now is 2012
7 I was born in 2003
MomNick we don't make any noise, grandma just fell asleep in the chair. My brother doing his homework.Whatmoose?I don't know, just got here. I meet sconcesOpal in the accident and now hehis helicopter was taken to hospital. They say that the helicopter landed and I need night train, I'm afraid I have no time, and under leaves in 3 hoursLena and familiar life. I know her very well. She recently graduated from the Universitygetting married any time soonVery happy meeting with his new neighbor, RachelEngland, how she never communicated with native speakersI take another warm clothing: mittens, (folder, coat and boots. In Yakutsk it is very cold, 35mustache below zero - how many languages do you Nastya? two, I say recently, English and GermanI started to learn Swedish done! Yes, I love languages. I haven't seen his roommate moved from Vologda. Now Ilook at it like the first time, she's changed so much!passengers just tested in flight. Now they are waiting to Board roomMy wall clock shows six. I forgot to translate them for you.first impression about Voronezh? Well, I just arrived, so still have not seen.For example, in Voronezh, Gosudarstveniy University is very good. This morning came herestudcity of aglii they will remain here for a few months.
<span>I would like to tell you about a great Maslenitsa celebration in Russia.
It is celebrated on last Sunday of March, when winter is losing its rights and
spring comes. On this day there are Russian great folk festivals with horses,
getting a living rooster from the post, a lot of jokes, songs and dances. On
the streets of cities, towns and villages different mummers walk, they offer
everybody hot tea and Russian pancakes with different toppings: honey, jam,
butter, eggs! But most importantly is the effigy of winter that is burnt
and everyone rejoices the beautiful spring coming.
<span>Я хочу рассказать о
замечательном празднике Масленица. Его отмечают в последнее воскресенье марта,
когда зима сдает свои права, и приходит весна. В этот день в России большие
народные гулянья с катанием на лошадях, доставанием живого петуха со столба,
шутками, песнями и плясками. На улицах городов и сел ходят ряженые, всем
предлагают всем горячий чай и русские блины с разными начинками: медом,
вареньем, маслом, икрой! Но самое главное, на площади сжигают чучело зимы и
радуются наступлению красавицы-весны.</span>
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А так это переводиться как Ожидать гостей