At the weekends my best friend Kate and i often go for a walk. We also like ride a bikes, play on the playground and listen to music. I like weekends because i can relax and play with my friends.
- причастный оборот. Вдалеке виднелась мельница, стоящая под горой.- деепричастный оборот. Она бежала, размахивая руками.- субстантивный оборот. Нищие люди, они тяжело переносили холода.- адъективный оборот. Платье девушки, напоминающее весеннее небо, развивалось на ветру.
<span>Шорты переводятся как shorts</span>
We came (начальная форма come) home late yesterday.
<span>1. Does informal education involve
people in learning during their daily life? Yes, it does.
2 Does this student come to college regularly? Yes, he (she) does.
3 Does general education aim at production intelligent, well-informed citizens?
Yes, it does.
4 Does vocational education prepare the students for a job? Yes, it does.
5 Does a student in a technical school take some general education courses and
vocational training? Yes, he (she) does.
</span><span>1. Informal education involves people
in learning during their daily life, doesn't it? Yes, it does.
2 This student comes to college regularly, doesn't he/she? Yes, he/she does.
3 General education aims at production intelligent, well-informed citizens,
doesn't it? Yes, it does.
4 Vocational education prepares the students for a job, doesn't it? Yes, it
5 A student in a technical school takes some general education courses and
vocational training, doesn't he/she? Yes, he/she does.</span>