Например: in USA live nationality miscellaneous. USA is a big country. My friend lives in the USA. Прости сколько смог.
Did she buy books at the shop yesterday?
Where did she buy books yesterday?
When did she buy books at the shop?
Who bought books at the shop yesterday?
Did she buy books at the shop yesterday or last week?
She bought books at the shop yesterday,didn't she?
<span>In my spare time I like to read, draw,walk. I read different books. Love books that speak of love. I draw houses, people,cats,dogs. I simply type in the web "how to draw..". I walk with my friends, we have some fun. We go to the shops, just walking on the site. Funny to us and fun. Never be lazy in your spare time. Enjoy every minute and do not sit on the couch.</span>
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