There was a little boy. His name was Tony. One day Tony was walking along the forest when he see a stange house. Tony decided to go back home. When he was at home his girlfriend Jane with her kitten Grinny decided to visit he.
- Hi, Tony!- she said.- Do you want to go for a walk with us?
- Yes, of course!
Tony showed Jane a strange house. Jane opened the door and they saw two little rabbits. They were white and grey.
- They are so cute- said Jane- I think, I can take this white rabbit and you can take a grey one, yes?
- Yes, of course!
-So, my rabbit's name will be Harry and you?
- It's name will be Judy.
- So nice!
And they all went home.
2) could
4) taught
Роберт Скотт – моряк, английский исследователь Антарктиды, признанный национальный герой Великобритании. Один из первооткрывателей Южного полюса, возглавивший две экспедиции в Антарктику. Родился 6 июня 1868 года в Плимуте, Англия. Роберт Скотт выявил гигантский шельфовый ледник и хребет большой протяженности. Датой его смерти принято считать 29 марта 1912 года.
Robert Scott - sailor, English explorer of Antarctica, Britain recognized national hero. One of the pioneers of the South Pole, who led two expeditions to the Antarctic. Born June 6, 1868 in Plymouth, England. Robert Scott found a giant ice shelf and long-haul backbone. The date of his death is considered to be 29 March 1912.
Irkutsk (52 degrees 17 minutes north latitude, 104 degrees 16 minutes east longitude) is located approximately at latitude cities such as Orenburg, Saratov, Voronezh, Warsaw, Berlin.
The present borders of the Irkutsk region has existed since 1937 and covers an area of about 770,000 square kilometers (4.5% of the territory of Russia) with a density of 3.6 persons per square kilometer (1.9% of the population of Russia). Almost 80% of the population is concentrated in the cities of Angara. The area is divided into 33 administrative regions, incorporates 14 cities of regional subordination, and 8 - district. It stretches from north to south - 1,500 kilometers from west to east - 1,300 kilometers. Today Irkutsk region - one of the economically developed regions of Russia. It is a part of the Interregional Association "Siberian Agreement", which unites 19 republics, autonomous regions and regions of Siberia
Boyland asked if his sister had found a job.
Rudolph said that he didn`t know and added that he hadn`t heard from her recently.
Boyland asked if Rudolph thought she would be successful and wondered if she had talent.
Rudolph answered that he thought so and agreed that she had something.