1) If I was a wizard or the magician, then I would change the world to the best.
2) I would eradicate crime first of all.
3) Then I would make so that people of different nationalities didn't kill each other.
4) I would make so that each person respected people of other nationality that people appreciated each other and were tolerant on the relation to each other.
5) I would make so that all people had money, and on the earth there would be no more hunger and poverty. 6) If I was a wizard, I would make so that each person did the favorite thing.
7) People wouldn't torment animals on slaughterhouses, etc. any more, people wouldn't exhaust stocks of our planet.
8) If I was a wizard, I would make so that each person lived in harmony with himself and with world around.
9) But I wouldn't make so that our relatives didn't grow old.
10) It is natural process, without death life would lose meaning
11) If I was a wizard, I would make so that in all countries and the cities of the world there were many woods and parks.
12) I would make so that at all schools of the world it would be interesting to study, and children wasn't necessary to force to go to school.
13) If I was a wizard, I would make so that in the world there was no more violence that the cosiness, the world and kindness reigned in each family.
14) That there was no drug addiction and alcoholism.
15) I would make the world better.
В первую очередь, я беру кочан капусты, режу и помещаю её в сковороду. После я беру морковь и очищаю ее. Кстати у меня есть очень удобная терка дома. Мне нравится использовать её, когда я делаю свои пироги. Я обычно тру морковь, лук, используя мою любимую терку. Я положил тёртую морковь в сковороду, после я солю капусту и морковь по моему вкусу, смешиваю их и добавляю немного воды. Затем я тушу эти овощи в сковороде.
My favorite sport is football. football is a game for comrades. people are friends and support each other during the game. it is very good. I also like to play football in the summer with friends
1)the newspaper2)-3)the4)the5)the6)-7)The8)a)9)a)10)a
<span>1) I'm going to go to the post office. I need some stamps.
2) In this part of town there are not any shops.
3) John and Alice have not any children.
4) Some beautiful flowers grow in the garden.
5) When we were on vacation, we visited some very interesting places.
6) Buy some rice. I'm going to cook pilaf<span>.</span></span>