1)Как дела. Пётр? [Хорошо]
2)Ты пил чай [Да, я его пил]
3)Ты выспался? [да, я выспался]
4)Ты дома? [да, я дома]
5)Ты добрый?[да, я добрый]
<span>1) If he practicec every day, he will become a champion.
2) She will help us if we ask.
3) If they have enough money, they will open a restaurant next year.
4) I do not talk to you anymore if you </span>insult<span> me.
5) If Bob doesn't keep his word, Anna will angry with him.</span>
<span>A mountain is higher than a hill.
A "BMW" is more expensive than a Volga.
Nowadays life is more difficult than it used to be.
A walking holiday is healthier than a holiday in a car.
Len's English is worse than Pat's.</span><span>
Have you bought...
Yes, I went... and bought
what time did you go there?
I took... His train left...
Have you packed...
I have already asked..
i have packed...
Успехов в инглише! Пригодится!!!
443- four hundred and forty three
103- one hundred and three
1930-one thousand nine hundred thirty
73- seventy three
80- eighty
45- fourty five
1860- one thousand eight hundred and sixty