Очень заковыристое задание. На фразовые глаголы.
1. How often do you work out?
2. What possession would you hate to part with?
3. When did you last pig out and why?
4. Where would you like to set up home?
5. How often do people tell you to turn down your music?
6. What would you like to do away with in your house?
7. Why would you turn down an invitation to a party?
Philips is one the biggest companies i n the world. the company produces appliances. it was founded in Einhoven in 1891, by Gerard with his father Frederik. Philips manufactures many refrigetators, juicers, grinders, microwaves etc. Я думаю нормально подойдет?)
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Cows have got long tails.
Cows-множественное число, поэтому have
1. her / mine; 2. their / ours; 3. our / hers; 4. your / theirs; 5. his / yours; 6. my / theirs; 7. his / yours; 8. their / hers; 9. our / his; 10. her / ours