British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is probably the best non-commercial radio and television system, formed by royal charter in 1927 to "educate and enlighten" the citizens.<span>.It includes five national and local radio stations,national television stations, the International BBC World Service and BBC Worldwide Television.
</span>There are four radio channels. <span>Radio 1 has mostly pop music; Radio 2 has light music, comedy, sport. Radio 3 has classical and modern music, talks on serious subjects. Radio 4 presents current news reports and discussions.
</span><span>The BBC also has two television channels BBC 1 and BBC 2. BBC 2 offers more serious programmes than BBC 1. It shows discussions, adaptations of novels into plays and films, operas and concerts. BBC 1 offers lighter plays and series, humour and sport, but there are also some interesting documentaries.</span>
Существует еще один дракон чеканка мяч.
как-то так
We usually solve problems and count in our Maths lessons.
We usually listen to stories in Literature lessons.
We usually draw in our Art lessons.
We usually ask questions in our History lessons.
We usually answer questions in our Biology lessons.
We usually translate from Russian into English in our English lessons.
We usually discuss something important in our Society lessons.
We usually learn by heart in our Geography lessons.
Our family celebrate Easter. My family go to church on Saturday night. We plan to meet Easter. I help my mom. I give easter presents. My friends and relatives give me Easter presents. Usually I have Easter dinner at home with my family.