Номер 1:
3)wash the dishes
4)to get ready
Номер 2:
1) is Steve writing an invitation card?
2)I am getting up now
3)he is doing
Номер 3:
1)my mom is listening to music
2)I am learning English
3)we are playing football
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Яблоки без алергийный фрукт.
Помогу.<span>If you talk about where the Eiffel tower is specifically, she stands on the Champ de Mars in front of Jena bridge over the river Seine. </span>
<span>The question is how to reach the Eiffel tower is also very simple: you have to navigate to the station Bir-Hakeim line 6 of the Paris metro. Another option would be to Trocadero station line 9. Bus routes on which you can reach the Eiffel tower: 42, 69, 72, 82 and 87.</span>
Основное значение-"ревнивый".
<span>Why didn't you ______me?