There is green grass, trees and flowers everywhere.
The weather is beautiful, it is warm and sunny.
Birds are singing and animals run freely in the woods.
It is a peaceful quiet place where you can bel happy.
1Отрицательные (все) Naomi didn't saw a UfO last week. Bob loft wasn't flying on the plane the people weren't standing there amazed. The ghosts didn't desappeared suddenly. It wasn't the planet Venus. He wasn't driving his car when he saw the creature.
2вопросительные (все) Did Naomi see a ufo last week? Did bob loft fly on the plane. We're people standing there amazed. Did the ghosts desappear suddenly. Was it the planet Venus was he driving the car when he saw the creature?
Writing, sleeping, trying, closing, dying, doing, studying.
Hello , My name is (имя) . I have a big family . In this famaly have a dad , mother . my mither is very good he is work in a home . my father is a rider . i love my family
Вопросительная форма<span> образуется при помощи </span>вспомогательного глагола did<span> для всех лиц как единственного, так и множественного числа и инфинитива без частицы </span>to<span>. Глагол did стоит перед </span>подлежащим<span>.
</span>Утвердительная форма<span> у правильных глаголов в Simple Past Tense образуется путем прибавления к основе глагола (к </span>инфинитиву<span> без </span>частицы<span> to) окончания </span><span>-ed
</span>Отрицательная форма<span> образуется путем прибавления отрицания </span>not<span> к вспомогательному глаголу </span>did<span>.</span>