1.How old are you (сколько тебе лет)
2.How are you (как ты)
3.What's up (что случилось)
4.How many apple (сколько яблок)
5.You're reading ( ты читаешь)
6.What you do (что ты делаешь)
7.You can swim (ты умеешь плавать)
8.What's your name (как тебя зовут)
9.Where are you (гдеты)
10.How about tomorrow (как насчёт завтра)
3a. bob said that the doctor had listened to his heart and lungs
jack said that liz was caughing
ted said that his granny's blood pressure was very high
mother said liz that the doctor would take her temperature.
3b. bill told ann not to be silly
doctor told him to take blood pressure 2 times a day
mother told him not to touch this
teacher told us to do morning exercises regularly
3c ted asked john what medecine was the doctor....
mother asked me what me was worrying (точно не знаю)
doctor asked me when i fell ill
father asked me why i did not follow...
3d doctor asked me if i took blood pressure every day
doctor asked me if i had ever taken my temperature
doctor asked me if it had hurt me to swallow the previous day
doctor asked me if i were coughing
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As a child, I hated one of my classmates. I was put with him at the same desk, and, to my great regret, we spent several hours together a day. When the teacher left the classroom, and a mess began in the office, my hated neighbor on the desk began to be so outrageous that even the headman could not calm him down (and she could reassure anyone). I was a fighting girl in the classroom, who can not only snarl, but also repel anyone.
The elder whispered in my ear so I tried to calm him down. I got such a wonderful chance to tame my enemy! I yelled at him. And when a classmate began to insult me, he with a flick of my hand was under the desk. I already thought that he would calm down after the shock he had experienced, but no. He suddenly began to bite me! I don’t know who was shocked anymore: he or I.
I always suffered physical pain, but it was at that time that I burst into tears of resentment (at home, in front of people, I did not want to cry).
I don’t even know why I was so offended by him. And the insult grew and grew, and it seemed to me that the knee hurts unbearably. So I called his mother, complained, and she scolded him very much. After that incident, we completely stopped talking, even the textbooks were not shared. When a new elite school opened in the city, we both submitted documents there and successfully passed the entrance exams. Fate again brought us to the same educational institution, but in different classes.
A) 1-e 2 -d 3-b 4 a 5 c
B) 1 meet 2 weekend 3 board 4 drama 5 jigsaw 6 once 7 boring 8 literature
C) 1 plays 2 is meeting 3 isn't having 4 go 5 is learning
D) 1 am looking 2 loves 3 is running 4 likes 5 is having 6 plays
E) 1 Bill is crazy about cars
2 My friends loves playing tennis
3 Her brothers are interested in computer games
4 she is interested in history
5 they are good at english
Люди повиннi бачити лiкарiв, якщо вони мають кашель, високу температуру або деякi iншi симптоми деяких захворювань. Ящко ти захворiв, ти спочатку повинен звернутися до свого мiсцевого лiкаря. Так що ти повинен сходити на прийом до лiкаря. Хвороба звичайно характеризуеться комплексом особливих симптомiв та ознак, лiкар попросить тебе описати симптоми твого захворювання. Потiм вiн подивиться твiй пульс, твiй язик, послухае твое серце та легенi та перевiрить твою температуру. Вiн або вона нададуть тобi лiкування та вiдправять на прийом до спецiалiста.Спецiалiсти звичайно працюють у медичних центрах або у лiкарнях. Спецiалiсти протестують тебе та випишуть деякi лiкувальнi пилюлi, таблетки або деякi iншi препарати, якi ти можеш купити у аптецi. Якщо ти дуже хворий щоб йти на прийом до лiкаря, оставайся у лiжку i вiдправ за лiкарем. Якщо ти попав у аврiю, ты идеш до департаменту швидкои допомоги наближчегои лiкарнi. Iнодi люди повиннi залишатись у лiкарнi на декiлька днiв або тижднiв. Хiрурги роблять операцii, медсестри доглядають за пацiентами. Лiкарi вiдвiдують своiх пацiентiв у лiкарнi часто. Сьогоднi е ьагато приватних лiкарнь. Так що ти можеш пiйти на прийом до особового лiкаря або зубного. Ти повенен оплачувати здесь, але це звичайно швидше. Сьогоднi багато людей можут отримати приватне лiкування.Щоб бути здоровим чоловiк повинен мати здоровий образ життя: робити регулярнi фiзичнi вправи, бути на вулицi кожен день, iсти тiльки здорову iжу та отримувати достатньо сна. Здесь е ще двi кориснi речi ждя твого здоров'я: приймати регулярно вiтамiни та робити медичний огляд раз на рiк