remember [ri'membə]помнить, вспоминать
around [ə'raund]кругом, вокруг; поблизости
going ['gəiŋ]живущий, существующий, ходьба
running ['rʌniŋ]бегающий,
step [step]шаг;шагать
large [la:dʒ]большой, крупный
pretty ['priti]милый, прелестный
scream [skri:m]крик, вопить
clear [kliə]ясно, чётко, чистый
answer ['a:n(t)sə]ответ, отвечать; откликаться
1) Do you often read book?
2) Do you live in Moscow?
3) Do you speak Italian?
1) Does he play computer?
2) Does she run in the morning?
3) Does he drive a car?
1) Is he clever?
2) Is she ten years old?
3) Are they students?
People listen to the radio when they're in the car or at home. People listen to the radio because you can listen to music or many different news from it. I do listen to the radio sometimes. I listen to music radio programms. I like to listen to the new pop songs.