1 were watching
2 visited
3 didn"t want
4 sold
5 was raining
6 went
7didn"t go
8 did you like
9 didn"t phone
10 was having
Красивое яблоко ням ням:)
номер 8.
1) "begin" меняешь на "began"
2) "comes" меняешь на "came"
3)"do not" меняешь на "didn't"
4)"read" оставляешь, но уже произношение меняется, в прош. врем. говори (рэд), а не (рид)
5)"does not" меняешь на "didn't"
номер 9
1) spoke, make
2) put
3) see
4) take
5) stood, went
Ответ: 1. Alloy of iron and carbon
2. Durable and hard
3. Easy to corrode
4. Stainless steel
5. Low carbon
6. Ductility
7. Sheet metal, wire, pipes
8. Structural steel
9. Suitable for forging and welding
10. Hard and fragile
11. Cutting tools
12. Surgical instruments
13. Tool steel
14. Reinforce
15. Addition of manganese (silicon, chromium, tungsten, molybdenum, vanadium)