в пропуски вставляем
will meet my friends
visit my grandparents
Will have a lot of fun
see you
I miss you
Подскажите плиз как читается по руски One, two, three, four, five, Once I caught a fish alive, Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, The
Диана Балк [19]
Уан ту фри фо файв
Онс ай чос э фиш элайв
сикс севен эйт найн тен
зен ай лет гоу эгэйн
вай дид ю лет ит гоу
бекоз ит байт май фингер со
вич фингер дид ит байт
зис лител фингер он зе райт
She told me that she had been away from school because she had been ill. 2. He told her that he had phoned her many times
but she had been out.
3. She told him that some of the schoolmates had come to see her.
4. My friend told me that she had had a
cold and had stayed in bed.
5. He told her that he had watched TV.
6. She told me that she would come to school the next
7. He told me that he would be be better he hoped.
8.She told us that the doctor had given her many pills.
Ну... Эти слова могут писаться в разных случаях...
Могу написать перевод этих слов :
And - и (может писаться в положительных предложениях)
Например : My favourite berry is strawberry <u>and</u> rasberry.
Or - или (может писаться в вопросительных предложениях)
Например : It`s better to wear : dress <u>or</u> skirt?
But - но (может писаться и в отрицательных, и в вопросительных предложениях)
Например : I have a lot of sweets, <u>but</u> I have not manye.<u />