Это значит помочь купить новую сумку 2) совещания в школе, пока 11:00 3.,) 12:00 в торговом центре. Второй диалог 1. зубная боль 2. отменить однодневную поездку на озеро завтра 3.следующий уик-энд
1. Is she from America? No, she isn't
2. Is she a doctor? No, she isn't
3. Is Kate his friend? No, she isn't
4. Is Bob a diver? No, he isn't
5. Is it Africa? No, it isn't.
isn't = is not
Всегда будет was
was-когда единственное число
were-множественно число
I have a cat. It was my birthday party when I've seen her the first time. She was so small and cute, that's why we called her Murka. She helps us catching mise. She is an adorable cat. She likes playing with the ball. She is 1 year. The whole family loves her. We'll never leave her. Everytime she plays she makes my heart beating. I love her very much.
1,2 have
3 has
I,we,they,you have
He,she,it has