Would like to ask you to our school e-books for each student. Because all of the books are very heavy. And therefore, bags and backpacks difficult to wear as what our health at risk. Still would like that would be in our school cafeteria food here was the same as in the American school canteens. I hope that in our school heating included in stronger.
And of course I would like to go and see " the Winter Olympic games2014 inSochi.
I would like to ask you for our school e-books for every student. Because all the books are very heavy. So backpacks nosing difficult due to which our health threat. Still like that would be in our school canteen fed as well as in American school cafeterias. I wish that our school heating included in stronger.
And of course I would like to go and see "The Winter Olympic Games 2014" in Sochi.
2. How much - not much
3. How many - Three
4. Hom much - A lot!
5. How many - Not many
6. How many - six
7. How much - A litre
8. How much - not much
9. How many - Eight
10. How many - a lot!
1) They are going to play in the show.
2) Shynar isn't going to eat local dishes.
3) Is dad going to buy souvenirs for us?
4) Are the children going to take a cruise on the river?
5) Nurlan is going to visit museums with his friend.
В настоящее время газ хранится в арсеналах в Роки Маунтейн в Колорадо и Блю Грасc в Кентукки.
Среди университетов студенты которых решили поддержать забастовку были Колумбийский в Нью-Йорке, Католический университет Нотр-Дам в Индиане, Джорджтаунский университет в Вашингтоне и Университет Миннесоты.
Факел мира несут/доставляют/проносят пешком от Сан-Франциско до Вашингтона. Зажженный в Хиросиме, факел начал свой марафон от кафедрального сабора Грейс. Ожидается, что он достигнет столицы 21 октября.
Губернатор Мэриленда Марвин Мандел(ь) направил 600 гвардейцев в студгородок Мэрилендского университета в Колледже-Парке после того, как местная полиция не смогла разогнать 6000 студентов-демонстрантов.