The first of January, the second of March, the third of April, the sixth of September, the eighth of June, the ninth of October, the eleventh of July, the thirteenth of December, the fourteenth of August, the seventeenth of November, the nineteenth of May, the twentieth of February
Hi! My name is Julia. I am 10 years old. I am very beautiful and kind. I live in Vladivostok. I am exellent pupil of the 4th B form.
Дорогая Бабушка!
Мне понравилась наша новая квартира (Flat), и моя новая спальня. Это большая и современная комната. В моей комнате стоит кровать (Bed) и диван (Sofa). У меня есть не большой столик (Table) и у меня есть маленький рабочий столик( Desk) у окна ( Window) и недалёко от старого кресла (armchair) мой стол
7 I never have _ breakfast.
8 THE dinner we had in that cafe was disgusting.
9 Let's have _ lunch in the garden.
10 It was THE best dinner I've ever had.
11 "I've never seen _ snow ": he said
12 THE snow round our house was dirty.
13 My friend doesn't _ meat .
14 At what temperature does _ ice melt?
15 Pass me THE salt , please. There isn't enough salt in THE soup.
16 THE coffee she made was tasteless.
17 There was _ butter in the cake.