The Loud House is Nickelodeon Animation Studio's American animated animated series made specifically for the Nickelodeon channel. Currently created 5 seasons. The first show took place on May 2, 2016 in the United States and May 28, 2016 in Russia. In 2020, Netflix will release a feature film based on the animated series
The animated series tells about the adventures of the only boy in the family, Lincoln and his 10 sisters: Lily, Lisa, Lola, Lana, Lucy, Lynn, Luan, Luna, Leni, Lori, living in the small town of Royal Woods (Michigan). Every day, while their parents are not at home, they have a difficult but fun life. Despite the fact that the characters are different in age and hobby, they have a good relationship, since Lincoln takes care of the sisters, and they respond with affection, although conflicts arise periodically. Brother and sisters do not always get along, but they are ready to act together.
was arranged
have made
is going
hasn't told
Her – red – desk<span>her – red – dog – garden – name – eight – tram – map – play – yes – stand – desk</span>
1) Джек: ест яблоки
Роберт: ест банан
Боб: ест сладости
2) Если спот это собака, то она ест ужин отца
3) нет
4) он зол, так как собака съела его ужин
5) история смешная.
And the boy cleaned his litterbox and fed him.