Мультик от студии Саюзмультфильм. Авторы сценария Б.Заходер и Ф.Хитрук. Это медвежонок который очень любит мёд . Звали его ВиНи-ПуХ потому что у него на домику было ВиНи-ПуХ а он там жил .И тик же он был поэтом и в свободное время писал стихи и даже песенки . У него есть друг Пятачок .Они и Вини часть попадали в очень смешные ситуации. Вини очень любит мёд по этому однажды он попал в ситуацию .
A cartoon from the Studio Soyuzmultfilm. Screenplay by B. Zahoder and F. Khitruk. This bear cub who loves honey . His name was Winnie the Pooh because he had Winnie the Pooh written on his house and he lived there .And the tick he was a poet and in his spare time wrote poems and even songs . He has a friend Piglet .They and Vinnie sometimes got into very funny situations. Vini loves honey so one day he got into a situation .
8 предложений .
Ex.3. <span>1.If he saw me
now he might not recognize me. 2. I would be happier if I lived in the country.
3. You could write a book if you wanted to. 4. If I found a taxi right now I
might be on time. 5. If they were rich they would travel round the world. 6. He
might not be so miserable if he didn`t work so hard. 7. If we took time off
work we could go away. 8. If she didn`t moan so much people might like her
Ex.4. </span><span>1. would have
won the game; 2. had followed the direction; 3. would have had nothing to eat;
4. had jumped on; 5. would have been able to call us; 6. would have taken so
long; 7. hadn`t liked your present; 8. had checked my essay</span>
1)houses 2)в mens s лишняя и в womans должно быть women 3)хз