A girl which stays by the window is my sister.
Achieving mental health parity.Protecting Medicaid and Healthy funding.Investing in public health and preventative care programs.Securing a right to long-term care.Eliminating gender disparities in health care coverage.Giving parents the right to know what chemicals are being used in their children’s toys and products.Prohibiting the sale of products with dangerous toxins such as deca-BDEs, lindane, and mercury.
<span>a)Where were you born?
b)When was you mother born?
c)When dıd you start school?
d)How many schools did you go to?
e)Did you go to the kindergarten?
f) What was your favourite cartoon when you were a child?</span>
My favourite subject at school is history. I like it because it describes all the wars, great people, discoveries, inventions, disasters. Every lesson of history is like travel back in time. Learning history helps us to understand the present.
Мой любимый предмет в школе - история. Мне нравится этот предмет, потому что на нем мы узнаем обо всех войнах, великих людях, открытиях, изобретениях, катастрофах. Каждый урок истории подобен путешествию во времени. Изучение истории помогает нам понять настоящее.