Parents should let the children have private life. I waited for my friend to get off the bus. They made me do it. We can't let him stay outdoors. He ordered the car to come at 5 p.m. At last he was made to write a letter to his parents. Children were allowed to go to the cinema alone. Let us be friends. What makes you think so? Don't let him drive so fast.
Write или writes (если he, she, it)
<span>a) </span><span>safety
b) </span><span>protection
c)</span><span><span> persecution</span>
d) </span><span><span>flee</span>
e) human rights</span>
1. I usually don't work on Sundays.
2. Does he like shopping for clothes?
3. I'm sometimes at home on Friday evenings.
4. My friends always remember my birthday.
5. What does he like doing at the weekend?
6. What does she usually do in the afternoon?
7. Jenny always wears nice clothes.
8. Tim never watches television in the evening.
9. What does Ann usually cook for dinner?
10. He doesn't have his lunch in the office.
11. Children usually like chocolate.
12. How do they spend their weekend?
13. I often get up before 7 o'clock.
14. The frineds of Julia always enjoy her parties.
15. He doesn't cold like weather in Rostov.
Также высоко развитой человек, инки преобладают перуанском высокогорье и распространение вдоль берегов в начале 1400-х годов. онизавоевали другие народы, и, как ацтеки, поглощается знания и принял практики тех, кого они доминируют. Они сами были жестоко завоеван Francissco Писарро в 1533 году, и большая часть их культуры была уничтожена.<span>Их лечение болезни тесно связаны с их религиозными убеждениями, а магия приобщены theirattenpts в rationaltherapeutis. Таким образом, хотя болезнь рассматривается как грех, который может быть expited только после исповеди, указанных священников, многочисленные травяные средства правовой защиты, прибегали к.</span>