We would all like to know if this is interesting
We would all like to know when the lesson
We would all like to know when we're in class
I'm going to watch TV if this is interesting
I'm going to watch TV if this is beautiful
I'm going to watch TV when at home
Дай мне мои 37 баллов
I don’t like doing outdoor activities
What your new girlfriend’s appearance like?
I like my dad in lots of ways
What whether in your town like?
You can visit different places like cafes and clubs
Расскажи о герое-пилоте, который посадили самолет A321 на кукурузном поле. Его имя - Дамир Юсупов.
Ural Airlines A321 airliner operated a flight Moscow - Simferopol, with 233 people on board.(Авиалайнер А321 компании «Уральские авиалинии» выполнял рейс Москва — Симферополь, имея на борту 233 человек)
During the first minute after take-off, birds got into its engines, and the even noise of the motors gave way to intermittent work.(В течение первой минуты после взлета в его двигатели попали птицы, и ровный шум моторов сменился работой с перебоями.)
Trade is used for physical labour, ..
occupation - is the most general term, it ..
profession - is an occupation which requires special ..
job - is the work that a person does regularly..