1)lonely 2) interesting 3) discussion 4) invisible 5) disappointing
1 How big
2 How high
3 How many
4 How warm
5 How long
It's a great club,isn't it?
Don't you?
Neither have I.
Oh,don't you? I do.
Do you?
Why didn't you go?
I did go.
So am I <em>.</em>
<em>1.I mind to move to another city.</em>
<em>2. My dream is to learn several languages.</em>
<em>3. I complain about the fact that his flight is delayed.</em>
<em>4. I don't blame him for his spoiled the party.</em>
<em>5. I was able to write a good story.</em>
<em>6. Were you able to keep her from strife?</em>
<em>7. I respect people who are able to tell the truth.</em>
<em>8. I used to read English books in the original.</em>
<em>9. I look forward to when we will see a new movie.</em>
<em>10. Whom you blame for being late on the train?</em>
<em>11. In this restaurant, no one complains about the poor kitchen / (bad cooking - этот вариант более подходящий).</em>
<em>12. I can't wait to get a letter from her.</em>
<em>13. No one could stop him from committing this horrible mistake.</em>
<em>14. You managed to organize a terrific evening.</em>