Science often means different things to different people. To many it means bodies of knowledge about the physical world grouped
under different subjects; to some it means research or the pursuit of truth; to some it means the development of technology intended to benefit mankind; and to others it means finding out. experimenting, measuring. These are all different aspects of science, as the knowledge, experimenting, technology, etc., have all been produced by what could be called the "processes of science". Environmental problems are just one aspect of life to which science can be applied, but they are quite urgently in need of solution. Some science concepts are particularly relevant in the solving of environmental issues. Among them are 1. <u>Energy</u> (types of energy, law of conservation of energy, and law of energy degradation); 2. <u>Ecosystem</u> (energy flow in ecosystems, law of conservation of matter, nutrient cycling in ecosystems, evolution of ecosystems); 3. <u>Resources</u> (the nature of resources: inexhaustible, renewable, irreplaceable); 4. <u>Food</u> (production, nutrition, energy use); 5. <u>Pollution</u> (pollutant, threshold, synergy, persistence, biological magnification); 6. <u>Human population</u> (growth and control, birth rate, death rate, fertility rate, marriage age, density, and distribution).
Наука часто означает разные вещи для разных людей. Для многих это означает, что объем знаний о физическом мире сгруппирован по различным предметам , для некоторых это означает исследование или стремление к истине , для некоторых это означает развитие технологии направленных на благо человечества , а также для других это означает выяснить истину через эксперименты , измерения . Все различные аспекты науки, такие как знания, экспиременты, технологии и т.д. , можно сказать являются"процессами науки» . Экологические проблемы являются лишь одним аспектом жизни, на которые не могут быть брошены все силы науки , но они довольно остро нуждаются в решении. Некоторые понятия науки имеют особое значение в решении экологических проблем. Среди них: 1. Энергии ( виды энергии , закон сохранения энергии и закон сохранения энергии деградации ), 2 . Экосистемы ( поток энергии в экосистемах , закон сохранения материи, круговорот питательных веществ в экосистемах , эволюция экосистем ), 3 . Ресурсы ( характер ресурсов : неисчерпаемые , возобновляемые источники , незаменимые ) 4. Питания (производство , питание , использование энергии ) 5. Загрязнения ( загрязняющего , порог, синергия , настойчивость, биологические увеличением) , 6. Человеческой популяции (рост и контроля, рождаемости , смертности, рождаемости , возраст вступления в брак , плотность и распределение) .
1. Has Mary got two brothers? 2.Mary has got two brothers, hasn't she? 3.Has Mary got two or three brothers? 4.How many brothers has Mary got? 5.Who has got two brothers?
1. Are Liz and Jane good at Maths? 2. Liz and Jane are good at Maths, aren't they? 3. Are Liz and Jane good at Maths or at French? 4.What are Liz and Jane good at? 5. Who is good at Maths?
1. Can Mike help his friends with English? 2. Mike can help his friends with English, can't he? 3. Can Mike help his friends with English or with Maths? 4. Whom can Mike help with English? 5. Who can help his friends with English?
1. Is there a pointer on the table? 2. There is a pointer on the table, isn't there? 3. Is there a pointer or a book on the table? 4. Where is there a pointer? 5. What is there on the table?
1. Is Harry the best pupil in our class? 2. Harry is the best pupil in our class,isn't he? 3. Is Harry the best or the worst pupil in our class? 4. Where is Harry the best pupil? 5. Who is the best pupil in our class?
1)The Caterpillar asked Alice who she was. 2)Alice said that she didn't understand it herself. 3)Alice asked to tell her who you were. 4)The Caterpillar cried that he wanted to tell you something. 5)The Caterpillar asked if you wanted to stay as big as you were. 6)She answered that wanted to be a little larger.