MICHAEL JORDAN is American professional basketball player. He is often considered the greatest player in the history of the game. He led the National Basketball Association (NBA) Chicago Bulls to five championships.
Jordan was born on the 17th of February, 1963 in Brooklyn, New York. He grew up in Wilmington, N.C., and entered the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1981. As a freshman, he made the winning basket in the 1982 national championship game. Jordan was named College Player of the Year in both his sophomore and junior years. He left North Carolina after his junior year. Two times Jordan led the U.S. basketball team to Olympic gold medals in 1984 in Los Angeles and in 1992 in Barcelona, Spain.
In 1984 Jordan was drafted by the Chicago Bulls. In his first season as a professional (1984—1985), he led the league in scoring and was named Rookie of the Year. He missed the following season because of an injury. When he returned, he was again a success, scoring 32 points per game. He was only the second player (after Wilt Chamberlain) to score 3,000 points in a single season (1986—1987). Jordan was named the NBA’s Most Valuable Player (MVP) four times (1988, 1991, 1992, 1996) and was also named Defensive Player of the Year in 1988.
In October 1993 Jordan retired briefly to pursue a career in professional baseball. But in 1995 he returned to basketball again. In the 1995—1996 season Jordan led the Bulls to a regular season record, the best in the history of the NBA. The following season he won his fifth championship with the Bulls and was named MVP of the NBA Finals.
At 1.98 m, Jordan, a guard, was an exceptionally talented shooter and passer and a tenacious defender. His nickname is «Air Jordan» because of his extraordinary leaping ability and the acrobatic manoeuvres he used to evade defenders as he approached the basket.
3. Прочитайте эссе и заполните таблицу. Актер Том Веллинг однажды сказал: «Если бы я был непобедим, возможно, я бы занялся экстремальными видами спорта». Хотя участие в экстремальных видах спорта может дать вам ощущение свободы, многие считают, что опасности намного перевешивают это. Я твердо верю, что они должны быть запрещены. Для начала, они связаны с высоким риском. Большинство экстремальных видов спорта очень опасны для попыток и могут привести к серьезным травмам или даже смерти. Что такое, экстремальные виды спорта очень дороги. Они часто связаны с покупкой дорогого оборудования и поездками в специальные места, например, с горами, снегом или огромными волнами. Это требует много денег. С другой стороны, можно утверждать, что, хотя существует определенный риск, энтузиасты принимают надлежащие меры предосторожности. Они хорошо обучены и несут защитное оборудование, которое помогает предотвратить травмы. Ежегодно в результате дорожно-транспортных происшествий или стихийных бедствий погибает больше людей, чем в результате экстремальных видов спорта. Однако этих мер предосторожности по-прежнему недостаточно, поскольку энтузиасты экстремальных видов спорта убиты и ранены. Дорожно-транспортные происшествия и т. Д. Могут быть более распространенными, но это потому, что они являются неизбежным следствием нашей повседневной жизни. Их жертвы не намеренно подвергают себя опасности. Между тем, освещение в СМИ экстремальных видов спорта также побуждает молодых людей делать подобные «трюки» дома. В целом, хотя экстремальные виды спорта являются захватывающими и забавными для некоторых, я чувствую, что их следует запретить, поскольку они чрезвычайно опасны. Мне кажется, что это спасет жизни многих людей.
I played with my son,
I was ill yesterday,
I cried two days ago,
I drove a car.
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In Russia dnyuha is a solemn day and a favorite holiday for a large number of people. On a day whose families was planned holiday house is always full of guests, who are invited to the birthday boy 's parents or the birthday itself . In connection with this , cover the festive table , and all guests are treated to a variety of goodies : pies , bun and bread loaf .
In honor of the birthday sing songs, dance , play a variety of fun and games , in other words, have fun and enjoy . Very often it happens sometimes even if the birthday boy is a child , it is dressed in a smart suit, bake a cake or pie and put a candle in it , as much as he or she turns today . Dozhzhen child blow out the candles , preferably the first time and make a wish. Back in Russia, there is a ritual , rather a tradition - the birthday wag his ears as many times as this year he turned years.
In other countries , too, have their own customs and traditions , but in every country they are in their own varied and interesting in its own way . Here are some examples : a pop- up birthday - in the air - in England, the tip of the nose smear butter - in Canada, pull the earlobe in Brazil, as well as many drugih.Den birth and always found some unusual day , as it marks as to new and unexplored step back in the life of this man.
Celebrate this holiday or not, whether to comply with all the customs and rituals that exist in each country - is the personal nature of each . Because birthday - is primarily personal holiday . The main thing is that it was a positive , because it is the day of your birth - day of joy earth that God gave each of us an opportunity to communicate , to love and fall in love, to realize themselves in this beautiful world .
And already this alone is worthy to highlight this holiday among the other days!</span>
National parks in Russia, the phenomenon is still quite young. The story of the creation of national parks has a little less than 30 years. The main idea of creating Park areas was not only the preservation of nature and historical monuments, but also the development of ecological tourism, the development of respect for nature in people.In such a short time was founded 35 parks in various parts of the country with various natural conditions. The first national Park of Russia is considered to be elk island, which was founded in 1983 near Moscow. And the most famous national parks of Russia - Shushensky Bor and Sochi Park. National parks of Russia can be divided into two types: parks with preserved wild virgin nature, unique relief, and rare species of animals and plants and parks, which was once used by man, but they kept a lot of sights and natural monuments.Currently, after decades of uncertainty, our government takes very seriously the protection of the environment and creates new nature reserves and national parks, thereby increasing the influx of tourists.