Invite это правильный глагол
<span>Сказки русских писателей тесно связаны с Россией и русским фольклором, а сказки Андерсена, а тем более - Уайльда более отвлеченные, а зачастую - просто космополитичные. </span>
They are tall men
these are potatoes
these are beautiful dresses
the glasses are on the table
these are teeth
the children are in the bedroom
you are nice children
they are housewives
these are leaves
The black dog is not there (лучше будет звучать "here",поэтому,второй вариант вероятнее)
Is there not the black dog?
There isn't the black dog
1. There are nice cities.
2. The roofs of these houses were white
3. Are there geese or hens
4. There are mouses in the cellars
5. <span>Those families are happy
</span>6. The books from these libraries are interesting.
7. Are these teeth or stones?
8. <span>There were geese in the fields.
</span>1. Who can better know my weakness than<u> I</u>?
2. <u>He</u> has never got anything interesting to say.
3. <u>None</u> of those dogs are <u>ours</u>.
4. The child fell and hurt <u>himself</u> badly.
<span>5. Please tell <u>me</u> about <u>your</u> new friends </span>
6. <u>Who</u> wrote the book about the famous Russian sportsmen?
7. It there <u> anybody</u> in the room? <u>I</u> see <u>nobody </u>
8. On the way home <u>he</u> fell down and hurt <u>himself</u>
9. All my sisters live in Summerville, but <u>none </u>of them were born there
<span>10. What are <u>you</u> looking for? </span>
11. The boy refused to tell <u>us</u> anything
<span>12. <u>That</u> is this week`s number one hit </span><span>