0) Встряхните плечами и поверните голову налево.
1) Поднесите левую руку козырьком к глазам.
2) Прижмите правую руку ко лбу.
3) Поскребите подбородок.
4) Сложите руки на груди.
5) Сведите вместе брови.
6) Кивните головой.
7) Коснитесь кончика носа большим пальцем руки.
8) Зачешите волосы наверх.
9) Укажите на дверь указательным пальцем.
10) Идите к двери на цыпочках.
11) Коснитесь открытой ладони.
12) Покачайте указательным пальцем предупреждая.
13) Обопритесь лбом о тыльную сторону левой ладони.
14) Прислоните большие пальцы к вискам.
Modern life is hard to imagine without gadgets. This is the best device for communication and entertainment. People can communicate with each other, wherever they are via social networks, text messages, chats, etc. it is Difficult to live even one day without these gadgets at hand.
First, doctors say that all the gadgets are dangerous to health.
Secondly, all the modern gadgets make us lazy and slow.
Thirdly, people have become too dependent on these gadgets. They become anxious and uncertain when you forget your mobile phone or tablet at home.
In my opinion, the gadgets lead to addiction that is bad for the psyche of the people.
Fashion is one of the most important maintainers of our life. Every specific person has his style of wearing clothes, and that is why it has been also regulated by our families. Parents teach their children the way of wearing clothes, so that they correspond to them. However I changed my style after my childhood, and henceforth i will be wearing the clothes i like , notwithstanding the opinion of my parents. Day by day we become more independent, however i also guess that the fashion style in my family was and is going to be the best in our life.
Это может показаться очень большим, но я старалась.
I met my friend Andrew in kindergarten. Even though we were in different groups, we often played together during walks outdoors. He always shared his toys with me, and so did I. It turned out that we lived near each other. After kindergarten we went to study at the same school.
My best friend's name is Andrew. We've been friends since kindergarten. He is 15 years old and we study at the same school but in different classes. Andrew has got blue eyes and blond hair. He is taller than me. He is cheerful and he is slow to take offence. Andrew doesn’t allow anyone to insult other people. We have a great deal in common, we listen almost to the same music and we regularly play table tennis after school. Andrew is a sociable, kind and modest person. Sometimes he is witty, but his jokes are never wicked. We always find interesting topics to discuss. Very often we visit each other at home. We always can help each other with homework, and we usually play computer and video games together.
I can safely say that Andrew is my best friend. He has an amazing sense of humor and he can easily make me laugh even when I have a bad day. He is as good as his word. Andrew is also good at keeping secrets. I like that he is a reliable person and he always supports me. We try to help each other. Of course we sometimes can argue or quarrel, but not for too long. We try to forgive each other.
I cannot imagine my life without Andrew. I appreciate our friendship and the fact that we are trying to help each other, and that we can talk about everything. Our friendship makes me happy.