Под номером 2, но я не уверен...
1.How do my friends look
2.who look beautiful?
3.how long did I know her?
4.have I known her for a long time?
5.Do my friends look beautiful?
There was a little boy. His name was Tony. One day Tony was walking along the forest when he see a stange house. Tony decided to go back home. When he was at home his girlfriend Jane with her kitten Grinny decided to visit he.
- Hi, Tony!- she said.- Do you want to go for a walk with us?
- Yes, of course!
Tony showed Jane a strange house. Jane opened the door and they saw two little rabbits. They were white and grey.
- They are so cute- said Jane- I think, I can take this white rabbit and you can take a grey one, yes?
- Yes, of course!
-So, my rabbit's name will be Harry and you?
- It's name will be Judy.
- So nice!
And they all went home.
Ну перевод такой : Почему Джесс остается дома?Почему мисс Сладкая сидит под деревом?Почему Эд едет в парк?Почему Билли и Нина едут на пляж?
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