1. was cooking
2. recovered
3. were reading
4. left
5. was playing
6. were watching
7. was washing
1. The name of the organization that raised the money was 'Help Hearts'.
2. The evnt was planned by a group of nurses from a local hospital.
3. Over 1000 people took part in the event.
4. The weather was sunny during rhe event.
5. The result of the event was the hospital administrators' decision to hold such events every year.
Летом я с родителямим ездила в Москву.Я была у реки Москва,Красная площадь,Киевский вокзал,фонтаны,скульптуры,и другие достопремечательности.
Давайте немного поговори о Красной площади.По моему взгляду Красная площадь очень необыкновенно красивая площадьи самая большая в России.Интересно почему же она называется Красная? Само название говорит за себя.Все стены и кремль построенны из красного кирпича.На первый взгляд это было не понятно даже как то странно,что и зачем красные стены?Но нет окозалось даже оченьинтересно особенно красивы большие часы и они прекрасно смотрелись на красном фоне.Вообщем это прекрасная москва.Москва это наша столица и это наша Россия.
Еще я очень советою посетить Москву это великолепный город где множество достопреимечательностей
I) When I was In Great Britain, I often understood what
English people were saying.
2) I know Bob understood<span> my </span><span>question yesterday. </span>
<span>3) They don't understand Italian. </span>
<span>4) Do you think Тоm understands what he ie doing? </span>
5) Tanya spoke some English and she understood<span> a lot.
1)The information is being looked at the moment
2)A new series of clothes has been just designed.
3)The road was paved with stones
4)He must be asked for help
5)The woman was thanked for her advice
7)We were invited for a party
8)This application can be rewrited
9)The papers are being blowed away by the wind
10)The town was destroyed by the fire
<span>1. They learned that there would be a party the following week.
2. He wondered who had sent him that telegram.
3. He said the article would be translated.
<span>4. Tom wondered who had called him the day before</span></span>