1)Jack's dog sits near the chair
2)Jane's cat sits on the table
3)Dan's bird sits in a box
4)Ted's puppy sits under a chair
Education in Kazakhstan is universal and mandatory from kindergarten to the secondary level or high school, which are protected under the Constitution. Supervised by the Ministry of Education, the educational system consists of the kindergarten, primary education, lower secondary education, higher secondary education, and higher education.The kindergarten is for children of at least five years of age who are taught appropriate Kazakh and Russian lessons for one year. The primary education is free to all six-year old citizens and starting from year one, lasts five years in primary schools owned by the government. The lower secondary education, or the Junior High School in some Western countries, is offered from Grade 5 to the ninth year in a general education curriculum having subjects of history, literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and foreign language like English. The higher secondary education is subsidized by the government and is divided into three tracks. The first track is for students in Grades 10 to 11, while the second track consists of initial vocational education offered by training schools. Colleges and trade schools provide the secondary vocational education in the third track. The higher education is patterned after the Russian system that focuses only on teaching without research.<span>Offered by universities, higher education has 4-year courses leading to the Bachelor’s Degree; a 5-year course for a Specialist Degree; 2-year course for a Master’s Degree; and a 5-year course for a Doctoral Degree. The country also has colleges that provide general and advanced vocational education, and lycees that offer basic vocational education to prepare students for skilled jobs. </span>
Hi, I'm (твоё имя). Today I will tell you about my classmates. They are very positive People, and I have The Best friends there. You can go out, but I don't think so
Пикни́к (фр. pique-nique) — в современном понимании трапеза на природе, устраиваемая на траве на открытом воздухе в местах с красивыми пейзажами — сад, парк, берег озера, пляж или лес — и, как правило, летом. Также устраивается во время общественных мероприятий, например, просмотров фильмов под открытым небом.
<span>Происхождение слова</span>
Происходит от французского глагола pique-niquer, зародившегося во французском просторечии XVII века, хотя практика еды на траве существовала всегда. Говорилось «устроить обед типа поклевать-чего» (faire un repas à pique-nique), то есть совместную еду в складчину, когда каждый приносит что-либо поесть. Глагол piquer, значащий «поклевать, мало есть», наводил на сравнение с птицами. Термин nique, или в иной орфографии nic, называл нечто малозначащее. Устроить пикник (faire un pique-nique) — обозначало приём пищи, менее привычный, чем обед за столом.
Французское слово «picnic» было позаимствовано англичанами, прежде чем вернуться во Францию в середине XVIII века.
A) was made,took place,was written,was shown,saw,wrote
b)got,took,left,was gone,was it stolen,was shocked,informed,called,were questioned,found,was borrowed