You have already had dinner, haven't you? Yes, I have.
Your friends have had a football game today, haven't they? No, they haven't.
You have never built a sandcastle, have you? Yes, I have.
You haven't found a very old book, have you? No, I haven't.
Your friends have sent you an e-mail, haven't they? Yes, they have.
1)Trafalgar Square is place popular with tourists.
2)This square is also the geographical centre of London.
3)In Trafalgar Square there are two big fountains.
4)In the centre of the square you can see a tall column, a monument to admiral Nelson.
5) The dome jf St Paul's Cathedral stands high above the city.
6) Not far from the cathedral there is the Tower, the ancient fortress.
7)Now the Tower is a museum but some centuries ago it was a terrible prison.
8) In the Tower tourists like to take pictures of the famous black ravens, big proud birds.
Ate (съели, неправильный глагол)
Drank (выпил, неправильный глагол)
Went (пошли, неправильный глагол)
Watched (посмотреть)
Played (поиграли)
Did (делал(а), неправильный глагол)
Received (получил(а))
Helped (помог(ла)
Read [рэд] (почитал(а), неправильный глагол)
Met (встретился(ась), неправильный глагол)
1)Since that time, the buildings rebuilt and....
2)If i had a opportunity to go there more often....
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