(Ну как-то так)
My favorite actress Angelina Dzholi.Ona was born June 4, 1975 in Los Angeles, California, USA. This is an American actress, director and screenwriter, fotomodel.Roditelyami Angelina Jolie are the actors Jon Voight and Marcheline Bertrand. Angelina Jolie has 6 children, 3 reception and 3 of its own.She is the owner of "Oscar", as three awards "Golden Globe" and two Screen Actors Guild Awards. Officially, the first role played by Angelina Jolie is considered by it in 1993, the role of a humanoid robot named Casella "Cash" Reese in the low-budget sci-fi thriller. "Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow"Angelina Jolie starred in 37 films, but my most favorite movie is:. Mr. and Miss Smith, "This action, comedy, he was shot in 2005 in the United States.Actors starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.This film is about an ordinary, unremarkable couple from the suburbs, which is the same gray, unremarkable life. They married not so long, but already tired of their marriage. They think they know everything about each other. However, it turns out that each of them is hiding something behind his bad half would have simply killed: Mr. and Mrs. Smith are actually highly paid assassins are, but competing organizations. These separate secret passions become their common destiny in a time when Jane receives an order for John and John at the Jane. In this they find a new source of revitalizing their sluggish lives. From now on, all their actions are crucial to the final act: to show their excellence and decide for themselves whether they need each other.
1.Paul was washing
2.I usually drink
3.His dog didn't eat
4.Fred and George were reading
5.Laura was walking
6.Helen and I didn't speak
7.William didn't fly
8.Ben's cat was like
9.We always had
10.Jessica didn't
1 фото: Эму очень хвостливые птицы - их хвост достигает 1,5 метров. Они не могут летать, но могут быстро бегать. Эму бегут со скоростью около 60 км. в час.
2 фото: Валлаби - маленькие кенгуру. Этих животных называют сумчатыми. Валлаби носят детенышей в сумках. Детеныш развивается медленно и остается в сумке 9 месяцев.
3 фото: Утконос обычно живет на земле. Он может хорошо плавать, но не может дышать под водой. Утконос ищет еду под водой.
4 фото: Муравьеды не рептилии - они млекопитающие. Муравьеды едят сто муравьев благодаря 60 сантиметровому в длину языку. Они едят 30 000 муравьев каждый день!
5 фото: Будь осторожен - не плавай тут. Эти великолепные белые акулы плавают очень близко к пляжу. Они достигают четырех метров в длину и имеют 2800 зубов.
Ivan Tsarevich - one of the main characters of Russian folklore. As a fairy tale character, he appeared in the late XVIII-early XIX century.
Ivan Tsarevich appears in fairy tales in two different guises:
positive character, struggling with evil, which helps an injured or weak. Very often in the early tales Ivan Tsarevich poor, lost parents, pursued by enemies, is not aware of his royal ancestry. In such tales as a reward for heroic behavior and good works, Prince Ivan gets back his kingdom, the throne, or finds his royal parents. But even if it was originally the prince, in the end of the story, he usually gets kind of prize in the form of another half a kingdom, the royal or king's daughter, magic or an expensive horse, precious or magical objects, or even further mind or magical abilities.