1. I was
offered a job at a local bank. 2. Have they been warned about the meeting? 3. A
picture has been stolen from a museum. 4. Some secret papers have been lost. 5.
This meat has been kept in the fridge for a week. 6. A dead body has been found
in the park. 7. The suitcases had been packed when the bellboy arrived. 8. The
famous house had been sold to an American before I learnt about it. 9. I didn't
attend the meeting because I hadn't been warned. 10. The room looked dirty
because it hadn't been cleaned for a week. 11. The situation will have been
cleared up when they have known some more facts. 12. My shoes will have been repaired by the evening.
I'd like to tell you about myself. I'm quite shy and moody. I'm cheerful because I am always in a good mood. I'm hard-working because I don't mind working long hours. Besides I'm very loyl to my friends and i think I'm very helpful. I wouldn't say I'm quiet, but not noisy either.
<span>My grandmother is superstitious. She always says to
me, "If you (spill) salt, you should throw a little salt over
your left shoulder. If you (do not do) this, you (will have) bad
luck. If you (break) a mirror, you (will have) bad luck for
seven years."
2. I (will not speak) to him until he (apologizes).
3. Peter (will introduce) us to his friends as soon as we (
meet) them. 4. We (will go) to the station to meet Sergei when
he (comes) to St. Petersburg. 5. Don't go away until mother
(comes) back. Give her the note as soon as she (comes).
6. Wil you (go) to the library with us? — No, I won't . I (will stay)
here and (help) Jane with her grammar. I (will come) to the
library after I (finish). 7. Ring me up before you (come). 8. I (to speak) to Mary if I (to see) her today. 9. If
you (ask) me a difficult question, I (will be) nervous. If I (am) nervous, I (will make) a mistake. If I (make) a mistake,
the other students (will laugh) at me. If the other students (laugh) at me, I (will be) embarrassed. And if I (am)
embarrassed, I (will cry). So please don't ask me a difficult
А) Его жизнь была непроста и он был довольно несчастным человеком, но его музыка тепла и красива. Он путешествовал заграницу, но любил жить у себя дома, в своей стране.
б) Лев Толстой, родился в 1828 году, написал два самых великих произведения мира "Война и мир" и "Анна Каренина".
в) Когда ему было 82, он покинул дом, но вскоре заболел и умер в маленьком отеле при железнодорожной станции.
г) Петр Ильич Чайковский был одним из самых известных музыкальных композиторов. Он родился в Воткинске в 1840 и стал студентов в Санкт-Петербурге.
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