Tsentr Vitebskoy oblasti Vitebsk – drevniy gorod Belarusi. On raspolozhen na Zapadnoy Dvine pri vpadenii rek Vit'ba i Luchosa. Rasstoyaniye do Minska sostavlyayet 300 km. Eto vazhnyy uzel zheleznodorozhnykh putey na Moskvu, Sankt-Peterburg, Orshu i Polotsk, a takzhe avtomagistraley v dannykh napravleniyakh. Yest' aeroport i rechnoy port. V gorode prozhivayet svyshe 350 tys. chelovek, on delitsya na 3 rayona. V Vitebske 4 gosudarstvennykh vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniya: universitet imeni P.Masherova, meditsinskiy i tekhnologicheskiy universitety, a takzhe Akademiya veterinarnoy meditsiny. Funktsioniruyut 12 kolledzhey, 42 obshcheobrazovatel'nyye shkoly, litsey, 5 gimnaziy, uchilishche i 4 muzykal'nyye shkoly, 3 shkoly iskusstv, 21 sportivnaya shkola, Dom shkol'nikov, provodyat obucheniye stankoinstrumental'nyy, politekhnicheskiy, tekhnologicheskiy tekhnikumy, filial Vysshego kolledzha svyazi. Zdes' provodyatsya boleye 30 festivaley raznogo urovnya, konkursy, plenery. Naiboleye izvestny «Slavyanskiy bazar v Vitebske» i sovremennoy khoreografii. Postavleny pamyatniki geroyam voyny 1812 g., a takzhe P.Masherovu, V.Khoruzhey, M.Shmyrevu, A.Gorovtsu, voinam-internatsionalistam. Yest' pamyatniki na mestakh gibeli podpol'shchikov i lagerya smerti. V Vitebske rodilis' belorusskiy poet XIX veka YA.Vul', pol'skiy dramaturg XVIII veka F.Knyaz'nin, narodnyy artist Belarusi, kompozitor A.Bogatyrev, sovetskiy kompozitor M.Fradkin.
1 I will have finished 2 I'm going to celebrate 3 I'm going to start 4 I am going 5 Sue will probably come 6 We will have 7 I will see/ am seeing 8 she will tell 9 my first exam starts 10 I am going to drive 11 I will have been studying
Alice lives in a bungalow.She has two bedrooms, the kitchen and the bathroom. Alice is an excellent cook and the kitchen is her favourite room. It's the modern kitchen, nice and clean, with a lot of cupboardS.She keeps cups, plates, knives, forks and spoons in them. The fridge is in the left corner and the cooker is between two copboard.
1. These ways of learning are divided into two types. 2. People are daily involved in learning during their life. 3. There are two types of education, formal, informal. 4. People enter a system of formal education during their early childhood. 5. Learners have to come to school regularly.