2)Lara cant sing and play the piano but she can draw
3)Jake &Sue can sing and draw but they cant play the piano
Флаг Росси́и (Госуда́рственный флаг Росси́йской Федера́ции) — её официальныйгосударственный символ, наряду с гербом и гимном. Представляет собой прямоугольноеполотнище из трёх равновеликих горизонтальных полос: верхней — белого, средней —синего и нижней — красного цвета. Отношение ширины флага к его длине составляет 2:3.
Do students live in three hostels?
Do students or workers live in three hostels?
Who lives in three hostels?
Where do students live?
Students live in three hostels, don't they?
1 is shining
2 were sold
3 haven't seen
4 will be repaired
5 -
6 has phoned
7 hadn't come to
8 begins
9 is
10 were speaking
If you never hurt someone's feelings,<span>you are a polite and friendly person.
</span>If you are good at listening to others,<span> people enjoy your company.
</span>If you are a good speaker,<span>people enjoy listening to you.
</span>If you are good observer,<span>you see little details.
</span>If you are a hardworking person,<span>you care about your work.</span>