Читать - to read
говорить - speak
Was there gas or electricity in the house?
1. ОК
2. ОК
3. ОК
4. ОК
5. It cost a lot to repair the car.
6. Did it cost a lot to repair the car?
7. I don't know many people in this town.
8. I use the phone a lot at work.
9. There wasn't a lot of traffic this morning.
10. OK
Her father works in National Park in Northern Namibia.
Her plan is to learn how to protect animals and natural resources.
He recognizes the different sound the animals make and looks at the ground.
Elephants, giraffes and antelopes,lions, leopards and cheetahs are important in the nature of Namibia.
They won’t have any safaris in the future and the world will be a sadder place.