You could spend money to improve the school,if she's tacky.
You can spend the money for teaching children,for example on new textbooks,and Tutors.
<span>Could be improved atmosphere around the school,to make more flower beds,Playground and the like.</span>
I am interested in ... (например, рисование, писательство) drawing, writing
Tonight, т. к. are going означает их намерение съездить за город. Переводится как: "Джеймс и Тина СОБИРАЮТСЯ за город этим вечером"
Если бы мы поставили every Sunday, то "are going" нужно было изменить на "go" (Present Simple)
I am so sorry. Please, excuse me. Don't be angry with me.
See the <span>Big Ben;
</span><span>Westminster Abbey;
</span><span>Tower Bridge;
</span>Then we are gonna go shopping at Harrods